Tuesday, November 30, 2010

[Publicity2-list] Best-selling book helps you maintain privacy in a nosey world

Privacy is getting harder to keep. But you (and the people you care about) can protect your personal data. Buy this book for yourself...or as a holiday gift.

PRACTICAL PRIVACY: How to Keep Your Life and Your Personal Data Out of the Public Information Marketplace has been one of Silver Lake's best-selling consumer books during the past year. The book is available at most major bookstores; it's available online and through various eBook platforms (including amazon.com's Kindle, where it is a category bestseller). But...


Click here to get PRACTICAL PRIVACY at the best price available anywhere.


Crooks want people's personal data—but they're not alone. Retailers, schools and government agencies collect more personal information on clients, students and applicants than they admit…and often do a sloppy job of protecting it. (Wikileaks, anyone?)


What can ordinary people do to manage these risks? PRACTICAL PRIVACY has the answers. Readers get the tools they need—in practical, plain English—to keep their personal information private.


Here's the Table of Contents from the book:

Chapter 1: What Is Privacy?

Chapter 2: Cameras, GPS, RFIDs and Physical Privacy

Chapter 3: Privacy on the Internet

Chapter 4: Data Mining

Chapter 5: Telephone Privacy

Chapter 6: Data Brokers—The Invisible Privacy Threat

Chapter 7: Privacy & Government Agencies

Chapter 8: National Identity Cards

Chapter 9: Medical Privacy & HIPAA

Chapter 10: Sex, Lies & Privacy

Chapter 11: The Patriot Act

Chapter 12: Banking & Privacy

Chapter 13: Direct Marketing & Spam

Chapter 14: Privacy in the Workplace

Chapter 15: Travel as a Privacy Issue

Chapter 16: Families, Children & Privacy


Silver Lake Publishing is offering PRACTICAL PRIVACY at a direct-from-the-publisher, better-than-wholesale price:

Suggested retail price: $11.95

Amazon.com price: $10.16 (plus shipping)

Kindle eBook price: $9.95

This offer, single copy: $6.95

This offer, 10 copies: $4.95 each

This offer, carton quantity (42 copies): less than $3.50 each


Click here to get PRACTICAL PRIVACY at the best prices available anywhere.


PRACTICAL PRIVACY: How to Keep Your Life and Your Personal Data Out of the Public Information Marketplace

270 pages, trade paperback

(4½" x 7¾")

ISBN: 1-56343-799-6

Retail price: $11.95


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© 2010 Silver Lake Publishing. 111 East Wishkah Street, Aberdeen, WA  98520. www.silverlakepub.com.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

[Publicity2-list] The Fed invites inflation. Give people essential financial security info

Economists call it "quantative easing." Bernard Madoff used jargon like that. The economy is on the brink of serious inflation. You can show members, clients and prospects how to avoid losses in a tough economy. While the politicians bicker, give people this financial survival tool:


Buy You Can't Cheat an Honest Man: How Ponzi Schemes and Pyramid Frauds Work and Why They're More Common than Ever for your members, clients and prospects in case quantity (24 books) for $115—that's more than 75 percent off the retail price of $19.95 per book. Use the book as a business developement gift for prospects or preferred customers and you'll earn their loyalty for years.


Click here to take advantage of this offer: less than $5.00 per new, never-opened book.


You Can't Cheat an Honest Man has been featured in The New York Times coverage of the Bernard Madoff swindle. CBS News and The History Channel have used the book as a primary resource in their documentaries on the scam. CNN has cited the book. It has been a regional bestseller in bookstores and a category bestseller on the amazon.com Kindle ebook platform.


Here's what one financial planner wrote about the book:

The best client-development gift I've used in years. My business is helping people manage their wealth. And the first step in managing wealth is not giving it away. People are worried about the Madoffs, the Slatkins. Social Security. But they're not sure how those operate. This book explains it.

—Will Hannah, CFP, San Diego, CA.


You can read excerpts from the book on GoogleBooks. And here is the Table of Contents:


Some Background to the Current Situation ...1

Part One: How the Schemes Work

Chapter 1: The Mechanics Are Simple Enough ...19

Chapter 2: Location, Location, Location...Then the Money's Gone ...29

Chapter 3: A Better Mousetrap Makes a Good Scam ...39

Chapter 4: Paying First Class, Traveling Steerage ...49

Chapter 5: 1040-Ponzi ...61

Chapter 6: Sure-thing Investments and Sweetheart Loans ...71

Chapter 7: Precious Metals, Currency and Commodities ...87

Chapter 8: Affinity Scams ...101

Part Two: Why the Schemes Work

Chapter 9: Trust ...117

Chapter 10: Greed ...131

Chapter 11: Family Ties ...141

Chapter 12: Secrecy and Privacy ...155

Chapter 13: Loneliness, Fear and Desperation ...167

Part Three: Contemporary Variations

Chapter 14: Multi-level Marketing ...183

Chapter 15: Faith, Religion and New Age Gurus ...203

Chapter 16: Charities and Not-for-Profit Organizations ...217

Chapter 17: www.ponzischeme.com ...231

Part Four: What to Do if You've Been Scammed

Chapter 18: Make Friends with the Regulators ...243

Chapter 19: Go After the People Who Got Money Out ...257

Chapter 20: Go After the Lawyers and Accountants ...273

Chapter 21: Go After Banks and Financiers ...287

Chapter 22: Fight Like Hell in Bankruptcy Court ...305

Conclusion: Social Security...The Mother of All Ponzi Schemes


This offer is the best price anywhere to provide this perennial bestseller to your clients and prospects. Long after these elections are over, they'll remember the book…and they'll remember you.


Click here to take advantage of this offer.


You Can't Cheat an Honest Man

How Ponzi Schemes and Pyramid Frauds Work…and Why They're More Common than Ever

ISBN: 978-1-56343-169-6

354 pages

6" x 9"

Trade paperback

Retail price: $19.95

This offer: $4.79



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© 2010 Silver Lake Publishing. 111 East Wishkah Street, Aberdeen, WA  98520. www.silverlakepub.com.


Monday, November 1, 2010

Re: My Plea to You All

I respect your opinion, but as a Christian, I must support the cadidate that is most Libertarian in viewpoint & principle.  I know many Christians think it is a good thing to regulate morality but I feel confident that God's plan is that we are to live in liberty.  We were made in His image & in that image we find all of our good qualities, the best of human nature.  It is the utmost of service to our fellow man that we protect that nature. We cannot be of service to rob him of choices that he should make. The founders understood this & as good stuarts of the gift of freedom we must also.
Our victory will not come with a Republican takeover of government but with a responsible ownership of it by the people.  That will not happen in a day.

On Nov 1, 2010 5:11 PM, "terry mixer" <mixerft@gmail.com> wrote:

To all Tea Party Patriots,


On the eve of the most important vote in this nation to Take America Back from the Socialist/Marxist regime trying to destroy our nation, I have a heavy heart on our direction.


I see us as a bunch of foolish people fighting amongst ourselves on who we are voting for, who is the best candidate,  or having issues because some things have not worked out how we wanted them to.


We have a common enemy—a group who wants to destroy America by destroying our Constitution, destroying our economy, destroying our Christian faith, and destroying our capitalist system. Instead, they want to institute a Communist, Marxist, Socialist, Islamic/Sharia law Regime in this country.  If allowed to continue, the people now in charge of our Executive, Congressional, and Judicial Branches WILL destroy America as we now know it for you and for your children.

Our 3rd District is headed by a liberal Democratic Candidate that has been in office for 18 years and many times has run unopposed! He is brother-in-law to our newly elected Mayor and is supportive of the Agenda 21 UN plan for Newport News. In addition, he is fully supported by Obama.

Obviously, we need to replace him tomorrow.


BUT-----instead of getting behind one candidate in our District where we could all throw our weight (our votes) and oust Bobby Scott---we choose to each stand on our own opinions on why we should not be voting for a GOP candidate or why we should be voting for a 3rd party candidate.


This is foolishness!!  The Democrats are laughing at us when we come out with these type of tactics knowing that if we do this, we split the vote and their candidate remains in office. How foolish! We need the strength of a united group behind one candidate that has the clout to take out Bobby Scott.


We need a vision of how to win the battles and the war! If we lose this battle tomorrow—we may not have another chance to win the war. There may be NO America as we know it. This is NOT the time to play around in this district.


I have repeatedly asked Quigley to step down so we could be united in our votes—to no avail. I have heard people I had respect for fight and argue over this candidate—til I have lost respect for them. 


Third party candidates are not the way to win this election—and if we lose this because they have split the conservative vote-and America goes under—I am sure you will never forgive yourself.  Elections have been  won/lost by one vote—and it may be yours that wins or loses this election.

As a Christian—the third party-Libertarian party—has a party platform I cannot support. They may be for limited government, etc—but they are also pro-choice, pro-gay, pro-drugs, etc.   Because the party believes in limited government, they don't believe government should regulate any of this. But our Constitution says, government is to protect the people. Regulating drugs, protecting marriage, protecting life—ARE areas government should be doing.


As a Christian, I cannot support the Libertarian platform.


Please tomorrow—when it is time to vote—consider that a vote for a third party in this race is a wasted vote.  All of us need to unite behind a candidate tomorrow that can win.


Our right choice is Chuck Smith—the only way we can oust Bobby Scott.
"Pray as if it all is up to God (becuase it is),  And work as if it is all up to you "


  Terry Mixer