Privacy is getting harder to keep. But you (and the people you care about) can protect your personal data. Buy this book for yourself...or as a holiday gift.
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Crooks want people's personal databut they're not alone. Retailers, schools and government agencies collect more personal information on clients, students and applicants than they admit and often do a sloppy job of protecting it. (Wikileaks, anyone?)
What can ordinary people do to manage these risks? PRACTICAL PRIVACY has the answers. Readers get the tools they needin practical, plain Englishto keep their personal information private.
Here's the Table of Contents from the book:
Chapter 1: What Is Privacy?
Chapter 2: Cameras, GPS, RFIDs and Physical Privacy
Chapter 3: Privacy on the Internet
Chapter 4: Data Mining
Chapter 5: Telephone Privacy
Chapter 6: Data BrokersThe Invisible Privacy Threat
Chapter 7: Privacy & Government Agencies
Chapter 8: National Identity Cards
Chapter 9: Medical Privacy & HIPAA
Chapter 10: Sex, Lies & Privacy
Chapter 11: The Patriot Act
Chapter 12: Banking & Privacy
Chapter 13: Direct Marketing & Spam
Chapter 14: Privacy in the Workplace
Chapter 15: Travel as a Privacy Issue
Chapter 16: Families, Children & Privacy
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PRACTICAL PRIVACY: How to Keep Your Life and Your Personal Data Out of the Public Information Marketplace
270 pages, trade paperback
(4½" x 7¾")
ISBN: 1-56343-799-6
Retail price: $11.95
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